Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Trent and Miles

     Trent: Mid forties, Caucasian, male. Soft spoken. Has been in law enforcement for over twenty years and a detective for ten of those years. Is very thorough and methodical in his investigations as well as his life. Has seen a lot and carries it with him. Has always been a bit cynical but is driven by his genuine compassion for people. Is utterly uncompromising in his convictions.

     Simon Miles: Mid-thirties, male. Was declared insane after killing his parents when he was a teenager, but he may have been faking. Has since been found to be sane. He is intelligent, patient, meticulous, and calculating.

Miles, a suspected murderer about whom not much is known, is hiding at a isolated barn in the woods. When he is discovered by detectives Trent and Ben, he is surprised by their presence but seems preoccupied and maybe even slightly afraid of something else. Ben and Trent are here on a an unlikely lead but after days of fruitless searching, it's the only lead they 


          Ben follows Trent as he walks to the corner of the barn.         
          Trent peeks around the corner before stepping around it. He      
          scans the woods with the flashlight. Ben checks behind them.     
          Trent steps around the corner.                              
          A BULLET RIPS PAST him into the dirt.                            
          Trent leaps back. He and Ben draw their weapons.                 
          Miles is on the roof.                                            
                    Miles? Simon Miles?                                                                                          
                    Who are you?                                           
                    I’m Detective Baker. I’d like to                       
                    talk to you for a minute if you put                    
                    your gun down.                                         
                    I really doubt you’re here just to                     
                    And why do you think we’re here?                       
                    You tell me.                                           
          Trent deliberates.                                               
                              TRENT (WHISPERS TO BEN)                      
                    Find a way onto the roof.                              
          Ben nods and silently retreats. Shuts off his light.             
                    Simon Miles. You had to know it                        
                    would catch up to you some day.                        
                    "It"? What is "it"?                                    
          Ben creeps silently along the wall. There is no apparent way     
          up on the front of the barn.                                     
                    It seems a wake of death follows                       
                    after you. Every place you moved,                      
                    it was only a small matter of time                     
                    before someone you interacted with                     
                    met an untimely end.                                   
                    Everyone dies. Everyone’s met                          
                    someone who has died or will die                       
                    but that’s not evidence that they                      
                    killed them.                                           
          He stalks down the side. Still no way up that he can see.        
                    Denver, LA, San Francisco, Seattle,                    
                    Phoenix, and now here. Twelve dead,                    
                    fourteen with the couple from two                      
                    days ago. All dead under the                           
                    influence of the same hallucinogen                     
                    and all interacted with you.                           
                    Who put that together?                                 
          He reaches the corner and stops. Cautiously peers around the     
          corner. No way onto the roof.                                    
                    "The best laid plans."                                 
                    Every thing you mentioned is purely                    
                    coincidental and not even                              
                    circumstantial. So either you’re                       
                    here in official capacity for some                     
                    other reason or you’re here                            
                    unofficially chasing a very weak                       
                    and outrageous theory. What exactly                    
                    is it you are intending to do?                         
          Ben rejoins Trent. Ben shakes his head and Trent nods.           
                    The agency that I work for has been                    
                    keeping its eye on you and has                         
                    authorized me to handle situations                     
                    like this at my discretion. This                       
                    leaves you two options. You toss                       
                    your gun then bring yourself down                      
                    so I can arrest you, or me and my                      
                    partner cut you down in cross fire                     
                    while defending ourselves from an                      
                    armed suspect.                                         
                              TRENT (WHISPERS TO BEN)                      
                    Go back around. Get into position                      
                    so you have a shot but make sure he                    
                    doesn’t see you.                                       
          Ben nods.                                                        
          A THUD from around the corner. Trent sneaks a quick peek. A      
          handgun lies on the ground. He motions for Ben to stay put.      
                    Good choice Simon.                                     

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